Friday, December 27, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

is bjp good

recent judgement by supreme court against gays, take us all back into 50s, times have changed now we have better understanding about them
criminalizing gays and putting them in jails and putting him in jail for life is taliban. and bjp is openly supporting SC judgement.
and thats a taliban , extremism, i disliked bjp becoz it is of upper caste hindus, old heads, refusing to change with modern times it shud have kept quiet on such matters, if bjp comes to power they might take us to time of ram rajya. no mobiles, no tvs, no pubs and only bow and arrow
bjp has to remove its old heads at top, who are really have iq of 50s
or else bjp wont be in power

Friday, December 6, 2013

do not vote congress

congress is promoting division in the country, by promoting reservations and biased judegements
there recent political game is communal voilence bill, which says only majority will be held responsible for communal voilence, that gives free hand to minorities
why this biased bill, any 1 who is responsible for communal voilence shud be held accountable, irrespective of caste and religion

congress is forgetting that majority always voted them to power, there so called Aam admi slogan
now its time to dump them, friends spread the word, dont vote congress

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

very intersting Goats

look closely

loook evenn closely

these goats are strong

Sunday, December 1, 2013

which mobile phone to use?

i want to change mobile, currently using samsung galaxy note 2,
there are chinese mobile like micromax and so many new companies coming  up, they offer same functionality as samsung, at a very low price, since after buying mobile, iam going to keep it for quite a while.
iam doing some research on it, what do u think about samsung galaxy note 3..?
is it good

Sunday, November 3, 2013

too many sixes, india wins

liked Dhonis helicopter shot, so much power into it, was hit easy but went out of the stadium

even lean rohit sharma was hitting so many sixes, australians are huge, there size, so no surprise when they hit ball out of the ground, but our lean rohit sharma was able to do that

Friday, November 1, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

candidate for pm

godhra riots were bad no doubt
but why focus only godhra riots, it happend becoz 100s of kar sevaks were burned alive and it was result of that, but no focus on kar sevaks burning, no mention of it, just godhra riots
100s of people were burned alive in the train, by pouring petrol,kerosene , one cannot burn a train easily, train is metal, steel, iron, it cannot be burned easily,  it was planned and neatly executed

it was said that people in godhra are very voilent type, kill people unnecessarily, they did many killings in the past before godhra kand, just like taliban in pakistan, they have no purpose in life, in the morning they wake up and start killings, kidnapping, extortion and so on, even pak police is scared to take action against them,

but modi should have  used police and arrest those criminals instead of allowing rioters hands free, which is suspected by the people,which was bad, even vajpayee asked him to control the situation

every 1 does mistakes , and it was a big mistake, but compared to papu, modi is better choice, he has a vision and he wants to do something, while papu is not willing to be pm, he is in dilema, whether to be or not to be pm, we have no right forcing him to be pm, PM is a post which should be hard earned, who is not intersted, should not be PM, he is young and should get married first and live a life. politics is head ache, no matter what you do, people will always blame you for everything, too much of a public life, which many wud not like,

India is a big country, there are so many willing candidates for PM post, even lalu is better choice, even though he may be corrupt, but still he is intelligent, we need intelligent people to control India, only intelligent people can take india forward, running a country is complex and only intelligent and willing people should be on the top post, its a huge public life, one has to live with peoples expectation, lot of work, no personal or private life,

i think top most choice for pm according to me is

2)Nitish kumar
4)priyanka gandhi

gravity movie

yesterday i saw gravity movie, excellent movie
for the first women was shown in a leading role, normally women are just play eye candy role in movies, movie is excellent

excellent photography, something out of the box, first time such movie was made
every 1 must watch it

Monday, October 28, 2013

choclate boy vs namo

it was expected, that if rahul gandhi was projected as PM candidate, then youth will support him, but no, youth is supporting namo, inspite him of being 60+

and bjp has made papu a laughable stuff, any time i hear pappu, i laugh and laugh
such a good joke, never heard of

papu is cute no doubt, girls love him, but they dont support him for pm

in america people have voted in past good looking people , then they realised they are not useful
and now they dont vote good looking people

here in india as well, govinda, nagma, sidhu, dharmendra were voted

but we all know how much waste these people were

especially govinda, and dharmendra
even sidhu is waste, since he is always there in comedy shows laughing, and in matches commentring
where is the time to look after his constituency

iam not sure that i will vote for namo, but he seems promising even muslims vote for him, even after projecting as dracula by media and congress

lets see who wins 2014

Patna Bomb Blast

Patna bomb blast was done to reduce public gathering in modi's rally
this will have severe impact on further modi rallys since people will be scared to attend those rallies becoz of bomb blast

Loss to modi


Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that

you know you are in love

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Very Good Joke

Before Rahul Gandhi was put on private schooling, he was being sent to a reputed school in Delhi where all the kids used to make jokes about his dumbness. Well, one day Rahul Gandhi just got sick and tired of all the jokes. So one evening he went home and memorized all the state capitals.

Back in the school the next day, some kid started telling a dumb Rahul Gandhi joke. Rahul interrupted him with a shrill announcement,

“I’ve had it up to here with these jokes about me. I want you to know that I went home last night and did something probably none of you could do…I memorized all the state capitals.”

One of the kids, of course, said “I don’t believe you. What is the capital of Karnataka?”

“K”, Rahul Gandhi answered!

Negativity Specialists.... Guys Decide Who The Winner is ?

Nominees for negativity awards

Rahul Gandhi
He Dont Have His Own Caliber But Want A Kingdom On The Name Of His Family and Always Wanted to Look Toward Thing By Negative Way.  His Party Ruled on country For About 60 years And They Cant Do development And This Fellow Want Development from Modi Government In Just 15 Months , LOL

Subramanian swamy:
another negative master, i have not seen saying him any good about any body, all he does in his whole life , is find faults in others, in what they are doing
terrible man

Arvind kejriwal
power hungry,  seems to be supported by congress. We Peoples Were Thought That He IS Good Person In Politics But Politics Is Far Away Better Than This Negative Person..

And now you guys decide who the winner is, don't forget to comment in the below

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

True Love

Real love is not based upon
romance, candle light dinner and
walk along each.
In fact, it’s based on care,
respect and trust.
Always remember true love never
fades away even if it is not reciprocated.
It remains in the heart to purify and
soften the soul.
True Love never dies,
Its only gets
Stronger with time.
True love is when someone accepts your past,
Support your presents,
and encourages your future.
Love is not about how much you say I love you,

But how much you can prove that it’s true.
True love doesn’t have a happy ending
True love doesn’t have an ending.

Dont Cry for miss opportunity

If You Miss An Opportunity
 Don`t Fill The Eyes With Tears...
It Will Hide Another Better Opportunity In Front Of You.. !

good friendship quote

Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.

Asaram bapu Tricked and Framed

media is fanning anti asaram bapu sentiments

so many rape charges and fake charges are imposed on him

1)i saw a sting operation, where reporter fakes to be NRI women, who not paid her taxes in her country, came to asaram sharan, and asked for shelter, and asaram granted her, then media started showing breaking news, that asaram gave sharan to a criminal and asked for money in favour

that video clip was shown again and again, but no where it was seen that asaram asked for money

2)asaram was accused of killing 2 school kids, again media blamed asaram for this deaths, it was shown again and again, later it was found out, that those 2 school boys were teasing one fat kid, jadya, jadya and that fat kid killed them by pushing there faces in two buckets full of water

3)iam not sure about these rape cases and potency test doesnt prove that he has raped,
consensual sex cannot be treated as rape, these women think that having sex with asaram is like having sex with god, something like that, they do it themselves, and later charging him of rape

i rarely watch news channels now so not fully aware of it, becoz they just tell lies and make small things appear too big

iam not asaram supporter, but iam making a point that media is hyping things, and framing people, making them look like monster, a small criminal showed as a Dracula

asram may have had sex with these women, but that doesnt make him rapist, becoz those women approached him for it, blind faith is to be blamed here

asaram is no god, he just sings and chants bhajans, kirtans and people love him for that, and some people consider him as god, which is just too much

Saturday, October 19, 2013

nice words

Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

hello there

this is tanya sharing her ideas