Tuesday, April 15, 2014

BJP to win clearly

today i saw in times of india, showing clear majority to NDA, which is good.
stock market is going high, becoz foreign investors think modi will be pm, and they are very optimistic

modi might have misstated lot of facts in his speech but, his gujrat model is praised by international communities, and that cannot be fake, Outside rating agencies also have valued modi,and its not possible to pay every one to say good things about u.

Indian media is paid media to a large extent, but beyond certain level they cannot advertise

its great that we will be having stable govt, and country can progress

why this depression, is becoz congress was socialist, they offered to many freebies, we are not beggars we dont need freebees we need opportunities, which congress lacks thinking, congress is just not progressive enough, they only focus on reservations, dalits muslims and vote bank politics
which is damaging for country and economy

they have increased taxes and put on taxes on each and everything they could, leaving No money for the people to do other activites

actually looted people in the form of taxes

chidamabarm like shrewd wolf added new tax, fringe benefits, employees who were getting free sodexo passes, petrol,travelling , suddenly becoz of fringe benefit tax, companies stopped doing it
resulting loss of extra money which employees were getting

now there charming, poster boy papu, is roaming all over india for new and new toffee