Monday, August 10, 2015

How To Read Girlfriends WhatsApp Message Without Read Status

Right. Since WhatsApp introduced the double blue tick as READ status, we’ve all been put into big trouble. Now we see ourselves forced to reply to anyone whose message we accidentally opened. Maybe we just wanted to read girlfriend’s WhatsApp message but we cannot instantly reply, we want to think about what to say as to not make her angry, but there she goes, freaking out like “You read my message but you don’t reply?”. Keep calm, we have discovered a method for you to avoid giving the blue ticks to your girlfriend but still be able to read her messages All you need to do is, receive all her messages calmly, then TURN OFF your mobile data or Wi-Fi or both, make sure you have no internet connection running, and voilĂ , read her messages and don’t reply, nothing will happen (Except she might be seeing you as online if you turn off the data while WhatsApp screen is open, so better turn it off while on your Home screen). This was a test with my girl. Left chat is mine, where you can notice data is OFF, and right is hers, no blue ticks on the last messages. So this works! As soon as you will turn data on and access her chat on WhatsApp again, the messages will show the blue ticks. And the read time will be this time only

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