Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Camerawoman Fired for Tripping #Syrian #Refugees Trying to Escape

When dozens of refugees tried to escape police officers at a Hungarian camp on Tuesday, one camerawoman decided to get involved. While she was filming a father, holding a child in his arms, she tripped both of them.
The scene at the camp, which you can watch in the video embedded on top of this post, was captured by a German correspondent. According to Hungarian news site, the camerawoman worked for Hungarian broadcaster N1and has since been fired.
On its Web site, the TV station posted a statement that read: "Today, a N1TV colleague behaved unacceptably at the Roeszke reception center. The cameraman's employment was terminated with immediate effect." The statement was signed by N1TV editor Szabolcs Kisber. On its Web site, the channel  describes itself as being "fact-based" and "free of opinion."
According to an NBC News crew that was at the scene, hundreds of refugees were able to escape the  camp, which is near the Hungarian-Serbian border, on Tuesday because of overcrowding. Tensions had risen for days, with many refugees trying to continue their journey to Germany and Austria but being stopped by local police.
Meanwhile, Twitter users condemned the camerawoman's behavior and demanded an apology from the TV station. Some said the incident was evidence that most Hungarian journalists and media outlets are in line with Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has taken a tough stance toward the influx of refugees.

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