Tuesday, October 13, 2015

To Whom You Will Give Your Seat And Why ? Only Intelligent Can Answer It

We often get in the situation like this, where it is tough to decide what would be the right thing to do.

This picture poses the same question, analyze it and try to answer with a logical reasoning

Imagine you are in a bus/metro and these four people approach you. A pregnant woman with a child, An old woman, crippled man and a very fragile sick man. So who will you stand up for and why?


  1. pregnant woman case she is first line

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  3. I offer seat to A,
    and request to A' to adjust&share seat with B as it is corner seat...
    Reason:by this I can accomdate 4 people .,.common practice in India,woman obey easily..loyal&faithful..tatarao

  4. I offer seat to A,
    and request to A' to adjust&share seat with B as it is corner seat...
    Reason:by this I can accomdate 4 people .,.common practice in India,woman obey easily..loyal&faithful..tatarao

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  6. By offering seat to A you accommodate 2,mother & child& can request others to accommodate all deserving people.

  7. By offering seat to A you accommodate 2,mother & child& can request others to accommodate all deserving people.

  8. i will give my seat to C & B they can adjust in one seat... and then i will carry the baby from A Mother, homeless(D) can wait untill he get a seat.

  9. B] cos she's pregnant and carrying a baby
