Tuesday, November 3, 2015

She Stands Onstage With Her Horse, But When She Removes Her Cape, Everyone Shocked

23 year-old Lauren Sumrall stepped onstage to compete in the 2015 Kentucky Reining Cup, a showcase where riders and their horses dazzle the crowd with remarkable performances. Performing “Let It Go” from Disney’s Frozen, Laura and her horse, Wimpys Top Model, blew away the competition and won the title of World Freestyle Reining champion with their remarkable skill.
Wearing a mysterious purple cape as she enters, Laura’s performance has a suspenseful feel to it. But the moment she removes her cape to reveal a sparking gown, the audience is dumbstruck. The two then move to the sound of the music, and it’s a gorgeous display unlike anything I have ever seen before.


  1. I didn't know this excisted! I learned something new today thanks to you!

  2. Tanya,
    Shaman and Her Unicorn
    In a Magical Dance....

    Love, Bliss, y Transcendence

  3. Tanya,
    Shaman and Her Unicorn
    In a Magical Dance....

    Love, Bliss, y Transcendence
