Monday, January 11, 2016

It Happens Only in India- 14 Quirky Things that Make India a Unique Place to Visit

India, the exotic nation has always been on the travel bucket list for people who want to explore the world. Apart from its beautiful landscape and culture that inspires awe, this country is home to certain quirky things that can bewilder as well entice the people who visit it. Let us see some of the quirky things that will certainly bring a smile on your face and will force you to think the motives that lead to their materialization but after all 'phir bhi dil hai Hindustani'.

1.Trucks that refuse to say, 'that’s enough' !

So the people who load these trucks refuse to believe in the concept of space that can accommodate till a certain extent only.

2. Without that Pain You can’t achieve that God

Visit Beinon village, 80 kilometres from Kolkata to witness the tongue piercing festival. There is a belief that considers that without having that mortal pain, your devotion towards God can’t be established.

3. Monastery that is Most Isolated

From a distance, Phuktal Monastery looks like a giant honeycomb. This monastery in Ladakh is a unique construction of mud and timber built at the entrance of a natural cave on the cliff face of Lungnak River.

4. Village Without Doors - Shani Shignapur, Maharashtra

Shani Shignapur in Maharastra has never witnessed any crime, and that is attributed to the blessings of Shani Dev. The villagers have full faith in their god, and have completely entrusted their safety into his hands. That is why homes and commercial buildings in this village has no doors, or even a door frame. 

5. Sadhus who Besmear their Bodies with Ash

A common sight in India, you will see sadhus besmeared with ash on their bodies. This is one sight you won’t find anywhere else in this world.

6. Sign Boards that state Philosophy

This land of philosophy never fails to teach its people even on their travel paths.

7. Unity is Strength

So you thought that we only overload our trucks?

8. That Spiritual blessing

Don’t be scared of this kind of blessing! In India, not only do elephants transport you from one place to another but they also bless you on auspicious occasions.

9. Temple of Rats

A little town called Deshnok, 30 kms from Bikaner, holds an intriguing sight: the Karni Mata Temple, home to over 20,000 rats. 'Kabbas' as they are called, these rats are worshipped because it is believed that they are reincarnated family members of Karni Mata. White mice are revered even more because they are considered to be Karni Mata and her sons.

10. The famous Twins of Mohammadpur Umri

Umri (a village) is the land of largest number of twins in the world. A small village located near Allahabad is famous for its unusual twin population, which is not only limited to humans but animals too. There are 120 twins living in this village of 2,500 families. The village boasts a twin monozygotic (MZ) or identical twin birth rate that is 300 times the national average and perhaps the highest in the world.

11. Gods that Walk on the Roads

Since we believe that God is everywhere, you can find Him even on the roads. Equally revered as Gods, they are actually human beings dressed up as ones.

12. One form of Surveillance that Prevents Public Urination

If you think we need to install cameras to intimidate people from urinating at walls, then you are wrong! Put the pictures of Gods, then see the magic. Nobody will urinate even with the worst need to do so.

13. The luxurious Marriages where Bride and Groom are just Puppets

India's wedding market is an estimated $11 billion and wealthy Indians are spending money not just on food and ferrying guests about, but also on 'thank you gifts' and invites.

14. The Missing Pillar

The pillars at Kedareshwar Cave are said to be representations of the four ‘Yugas’ of Life ‘Satya Yuga’, ‘Tretha Yuga’, ‘Dwapara Yuga’ and ‘Kali Yuga’. With the end of each Yug, one pillar apparently breaks down. It is believed that when the fourth pillar breaks down it will be the last day of the current era.

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