Tuesday, January 12, 2016

This Little Known Facts About Snipers. You Will Shocked After Knowing It...

Their training is intensive, their groundwork usually gruelling and requiring of insane amounts of patience, and a lot of the time, their hard work goes unrecognised.Here's some facts to help you get better acquainted with snipers.

Snipers Are Trained to Shoot between heartbeats Because blood flow can affect the fingers movement...

The Term Sniper Derived From the people wh Used to Shoot Bird Called Snipe in 1770's

Snipers Are Very Cost Effective As they Use Very Low Ammunition Per Kill...

The Longest Confirmed Kill By British sniper Craig Harrisson With Distance Of 1.54 Miles Long Target...

The Casualty And People Around Them Never Actually Hear The Gun Being Fired...

Lyudmila Pavlichinko Is The Most Successful Sniper Women With 309 Confirmed Kill..

Simo Hahya Known As finish Sniper Is the most successful Sniper With the 505 Confirmed kills In Just 100 Days...

The Snipers Function Is Probably to remove high ranking targets such as commander so they can demoralised enemy...

Sniper Always Picked Their One Rifle And Stick To It Throughout Their Whole Life...

The Soviet Army Had Over 200 Female Snipers At The time Of World War 2...

Sniper always Workd In Teams Of Two Another Known As Spotter..

Snipers Always Have To Keep in Mind Some factors Like Wind Speed, Humidity, Temperature...

Sniper Should Have High patience To Remain On Same Spot Without Being Detected....

The Heavy camouflaged Suits which Snipers wear's known As the Ghillie Suits......

1 comment:

  1. nice facts and love it check mine also- http://www.factsandfigure.net/
