Wednesday, February 24, 2016

8 Danger Selfies..

Some people go through life blissfully, without a care in the world. And others? Well, they encounter all the nopes out there that they possibly could. From spiders and snakes to cold weather and dirty rooms, there is so much nope ahead we’re unsure why you’re still here. Be prepared to be noped out, ’cause… wow, nope! Warning: many bugs and graphic images ahead.


  1. Life as it is more precious and pray for everyone's safety.

  2. Marne ke Aur thariquee nahin sooje kya???

  3. Are they still alive or gone because most of them who did such stupidity has lot there life,, Please do not publish or post such things in the internet or any other social media. I know you might have lived that moment and still alive. However it may not be same for everyone.
