Feeling stressed? You may want to skip the full body massage and opt for ear reflexology instead. Richard Randig, a board certified relexologist focuses on different pressure points within the ear to relieve stress and ease symptoms in other areas of the body.

Integrative Health suggests that ear massage may help with multiple health issues including pain relief and addiction.

Integrative Health suggests that ear massage may help with multiple health issues including pain relief and addiction.
Randig says this type of massage works well because the ears are so close to the brain. In the video at the end of the article, he describes specific techniques to maximize the benefits of this practice.
If you don’t have time (or the money) to head to a professional, you can perform some reflexology techniques on you own, according to Reflexology Map.

To begin, sit in a comfortable chair. Pull your hair up (if necessary). Begin my gently pressing your ear lobes and pulling them downwards. Use gentle pulls, this shouldn’t hurt. Gently trace the outer edges of your ears several times.
As you touch your ears pay attention to the rest of body, as well as your ears, and note any pain or irritation you feel when you squeeze your ear. Gently put pressure on each point of the outer ear (as shown in the above diagram). You should hold pressure for about five seconds in each spot before moving on. Repeat five times before moving on to your other ear.
Another technique is to use a clothes pin on each of the six pressure points on your outer ear for five seconds. Putting pressure on the lobe of your ear can ease headaches, while other pressure points on the outer ear can help with tummy troubles, sinus pressure and back and shoulder pain.
Have you ever tried reflexology? What did you think? Share your experience with us in the comments below.
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